Wednesday, 21 July 2010 11:28


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Welcome to uniGUI website! I'm not quite certain what to post in this very first blog! I was planning was to post a long blog regarding uniGUI library containing detailed technical aspects of the product, in depth analysis of underlying technology and etc. Right now I only have enough time to write this short welcome message.

As it is apparent from main page, uniGUI is a Web Application Framework for Delphi. It means you can create Delphi applications targeting the Web. Web front end is rendered using famous Ext JS library. Ext JS is a very rich & comprehensive JavaScript framework for creating fully AJAX enabled Web applications. UniGUI uses ExtPascal library to create a gateway between Delphi and Ext JS. More detailed technical stuff and other docs will become available later when first beta installer is ready to publish. My next blog will be about the installer. Sincerely, Farshad Mohajeri FMSoft

Read 4915 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 November 2020 08:40
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