Wednesday, 14 March 2012 14:59

Another update for version 0.88

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This update fixes some issues and adds some new features.  It can be downloaded from downloads section.


- 0001282: Form's values aren't synced when deactivated.
- 0001281: UniTreeView: MainForm.Close in OnClick event.
- 0001203: UniTabSheet: PageIndex bug.
- 0001261: OnDropDown event for ComboBox.
- 0000640: UniSession SendFile() method
- 0001284: UniSession SendStream() method.
- 0001268: UniDateTimePicker: ShowBlankDate property.
- 0001270: UniDBGrid: Float/number field ignores decimal/thousand separators.
- 0001042: Grid Cell font changes when editing cell.
- 0001274: UniDBGrid: Embedded editor's Font doesn't match Grid's Font.
- 0001278: TUniToolButton: Transparency Property.
- 0001279: Bug when received string contains a "&".
- 0001280: Critical bug in Form parameter setting logic.
- New Demo: DownloadDemo-2

Read 5758 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:13