Wednesday, 25 January 2012 14:54

Version 0.88 is available

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uniGUI Version 0.88.0 is available for public download.

New features:

  • Embeddable Grid Editors.
  • 64-Bit support for Delphi XE2
  • Seamless keyboard capture and filtering.
  • Advanced form navigation using customizable keys.
  • Anonymous Callbacks for D2009+.
  • 7 new demos to demonstrate new features.
  • Ext JS run time installer.
  • Support for C++ Builder

Ext JS run time installer can be used to deploy a minimal set of Ext JS files required to run your uniGUI apps.

!Ext JS run time files are fully bound to Sencha Ext JS license terms!

- 0000667: C++ Builder support
- 0001266: TUniDBGrid: Display bug when Field is TFMTBCD
- 0001263: LookUp Component: Bug when field is a lookup field.
- 0001256: TUniURLFrame.OnFrameLoad event
- 0001259: Backspace key triggers brower's "Back in history" when focus is in a ReadOnly field
- 0001260: Bug when Form's active control is a TUniDateTimePicker
- 0001258: UniDBLookupXXX: List is not created when DataField is a Lookup Field
- 0001257: Changed behavior: Exception raised in DataSet.Edit will not cancel Edit mode.
- 0001255: Abort in OnValidate Cancels Edit Mode
- 0001252: Bug when Form is Freed in TUniButton.Click event
- 0001251: Bug in UniPageControl
- 0001204: TUniStatusBar design time bug
- 0001243: TUniNavigateKeys.KeySubmit & KeyCancel properties
- 0001241: UniMainModule.MonitoredKeys property
- 0001242: UniForm.MonitoredKeys property
- 0001239: JS method uniSelectNext(comp, dir, cycle)
- 0001240: JS method uniSelectFirst()
- 0001238: Navigate problem when Edits are on various Pages of a UniPageControl
- 0001236: TUniMenuItem.Destroy()
- 0001235: TUniMenuItem.Delete()
- 0001231: UniMainModule.DocumentKeyOptions: [dkDisableBackSpace, dkDisableTab, dkDisableESC, dkDisableAll]
- 0001218: New UniMainModule.DocumentKeyOptions property
- 0001229: UniMainModule: TNavigateKeys property
- 0001230: UniForm: TNavigateKeys property
- 0001228: UniMemo: List is not updated after Delete/Insert/Put
- 0001226: TUniForm.OnKeyDown/Up/Press events
- 0001227: OnKeyDown/Up ShiftState Parameter
- 0001225: TUniForm.KeyPreview property
- 0000586: TCloseAction=caNone when user closes window from upper right X
- 0001216: DBGrid OnGetText issue
- 0001196: UniForm should store either "Width/Height" or "ClientWidth/ClientHeight"
- 0001215: TUniDBNavigator.ConfirmDelete property
- 0001039: Localizable ShowMessage and MessageDlg buttons and captions
- 0001213: MessageDlg doesn't show proper icons
- 0000906: MessageDlg mbYesNoCancel only show mbYesNo
- 0001212: Callback in ShowMessage
- 0001209: Support for Delphi XE2 64-bit Compiler
- 0001211: Problem with nested MessageDlg calls
- 0000770: Anonymous methods in MessageDlg
- 0001210: UniDBGrid: BCD/FMTBCD data types handling issue
- 0001207: Compression.Enabled default set to True
- 0001016: UniTreeview Background color
- 0001206: New Component TUniHiddenPanel
- 0001202: Editable float/currency type in UniDBGrid cell
- 0000434: UniDBGrid with various Editor types in grid cells
- 0001200: In TUniDrawColumnCellEvent (var Value:string) removed from parameter list
- 0000725: UniDBGrid: Column PickList property
- 0001114: UniDBGrid: Bug when details data change but row number remains the same
- 0001194: UniMainModule.Background property
- 0001175: TabOrder for UniLabels VCL mode
- 0000845: UniDBGrid: In master/detail or master/lookup focus shifts to detail when master row changes.
- 0000944: DBControls: RecNo dependency problem with DBs that doesn't support RecNo
- 0001193: UniDBGrid.WebOptions.FetchAll property
- New Demo: GridEditors
- New Demo: Dialogs
- New Demo: Dialogs Anonymous Callback
- New Demo: ClientEvents-5
- New Demo: FormNavigate
- New Demo: SubmitCancel
- New Demo: MonitorKeys

See complete Changelog.

Read 7312 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 15:14