In some areas version 0.86 breaks compatibility with previous versions, so if you have developed uniGUI projects with version 0.84.x or an earlier version please read carefully the Migration to version 0.86 article before you open your projects with version 0.86.
Changelog for versions 0.85 and 0.86:
- 0001100: Form Icon is Visible when biSystemMenu is not set
- 0001059: Call CallBack for all dialog types
- 0001113: For touch enabled devices touch events replace mouse events.
- 0001108: VCL: TabStop problem when control parant is TUniTabSheet.
- 0001106: Critical bug when adding cutsom files
- 0001107: UniGUISession.AddCustomFile property
- 0001105: TUniDBGrid.Refresh method implemented (Workaround for issue 0000882)
- 0001097: Google Maps sample
- 0001020: Custom meta tags.
- 0001104: UniGUIServerModule.CustomCSS property
- 0001093: Proper handling of "//" in JS code
- 0001095: UniRadioButton: Change Caption at runtime
- 0001089: DateTime conversion issues when system date format is M/d/yyyy
- 0001088: UniCalendarPanel: Date change doesn't reflect hidden views
- 0000965: Error when OS date fomat<>UniDateTimePicker.DateFormat
- 0001086: UniDBGrid: Column count is zero immediately after DataSet.Open
- 0001085: UniDBGrid: Auto column creation logic improved
- 0001084: TUniSpeedButton Click bug
- 0001082: TUniForm: Property MonitorScreenResize added
- 0001078: DblClick event for additional controls implemented
- 0000538: UniDBGrid: Resized columns are reset when grid is refreshed.
- 0001076: Option to remove UniDBGrid thin column on the left (dgIndicator)
- 0001064: UniDBGrid: Change UniColumn.Title.Caption after Columns are created
- 0001077: UniDBGrid: Change Column.Width at runtime.
- 0000591: Cursor property for web
- 0000966: TUniImage: OnMouseOver event
- 0001062: Destroying UniControl doesn not destroy child UniFrames
- 0001065: TUniDBDateTimePicker: Bug when Dataset is closed.
- 0001068: TUniChart moved to a separate package
- 0001071: Calling server side event handlers from client side ajax request
- 0001070: Integration of Ext JS events in TUniControl and TUniComponent
- 0001069: Advanced IDE support for client side event scripting
- 0001072: Delete Form/Frame JS objects after destroy
- 0001074: Extended Mouse and Click events for all Controls
- 0001073: UniCalendarPanel: OnDayClick in DayView bug
- Four new demos: ClientEvents-1, ClientEvents-2, ClientEvents-3, ClientEvents-4
- New Demo GoogleMaps
- 0001055: TUniPageControl: Several TabSheet related issues
- 0001051: TUniPageControl bug: Recreation of TabSheet after it is freed
- 0001046: UniCalendarPanel: Bug when certain Data patterns are loaded
- 0001041: Bug when UniFrame reads unpublished property
- 0001040: Dynamic Form handling bug
- 0000954: UniForm Top=0 Left=0 is always centered
- 0001037: TUniForm.FindComponent broken in 0.85.0
- 0001036: UniDBGrid: A/V when DataSource.Enabled:=False
- 0001035: UniRadioButton: Selection bug in VCL mode
- 0001034: UniDBGrid: Calling DataSet.Refresh doesn't always refresh dbgrid.
- 0000645: In Standalone mode avoid creation of MainModule and DataModules
- 0001027: Change text of invisible TreeNode
- 0001031: Change font/color/icon of invisible TreeNode
- 0001028: UniTreeNode.Enabled property
- 0001032: TUniImage Background issue in VCL mode
- 0001029: UniPageControl background transparency issue in web mode
- 0001025: UniPageControl: First dynamically created TabSheet does not focus
- 0001022: UniImage doesn't change when asisgned from a TImageList
- 0001023: UniImage.Transparent bug
- 0001005: Some controls aren't rendered when Control owner is not TUniForm
- 0001021: RadioButton sends two Click events
- 0000757: Enhanced Ext JS CalendarPanel
- 0000989: TUniDBGrid: Two AutoScroll events after DataSet.Open
- 0001010: TUniTreeNode: Change Font at runtime
- 0001011: TUniControl.Constraints property
- 0000848: Bitmap transparency display problem for Buttons
- 0001007: TUniControl: Show/Hide methods
- 0001013: TUniDateTimePicker web render issue
- 0001012: TUniTabControl: Tabs.Add, Tabs.Delete, Tabs.Clear methods
- 0000588: Localization for Ext JS internal Text (Page, Today, ...)
- 0000979: Issues regarding Font inheritance (ParentFont=True)
- 0001015: TUniPageControl: Incorrect ActivePage when Tabs aren't visible
- 0001019: URL Parameters in ISAPI mode
- 0000999: Unicode in URL Parameters
- 0000674: TUniTreeview.Font property
- 0000998: TUniTreeNode.Font property
- 0000990: TUniTreeNode.SelectedIndex property
- 0001000: Corrected BorderStyle for Web and VCL
- 0001002: BorderStyle property for applicable controls
- 0001001: BorderStyle: Web implementation
- 0000551: HTTP Compression
- 0000631: Multiple Series in TUniChart
- 0000871: UnixxxComboBox: OnCloseUp event
- 0000963: IE8 Compatibility mode for IE9
- 0000958: TUniForm.BringToFront
- 0000952: UniListBox: ItemIndex set bug
- 0000955: UniHTMLFrame: Change design time pattern
- 0000977: DBLookUp Controls KeyValue bug
- 0000975: TUniForm: Delete unimplemented props from TUniForm DFM
- 0000978: UniBitBtn: Change Glyph at runtime
- 0000960: Component reference late binding problem
- 0000713: Merge new framework Core
- 0000981: TUniTreeView.Selected:=Node doesn't select Node
- 0000980: TabOrder in VCL mode
- 0000982: Bug when Font.Height is positive
- 0000984: Horizontal Bar Chart type
- 0000986: TUniHTMLFrame: StaticHTML property
- 0000987: TUniChart: Legend Property
- 0000988: Font render issue on IE
- 0000976: TUniSpeedButton: Double event on Button UP/DOWN click
- 0000992: Core resource conversion bug
- 0000994: Compression rate calculation error
- 0000993: Compression multi-threading issue
- 0000996: UniDBEdit uppercase has no effect on dataset field
- 0000997: UniStringGrid.RefreshRow method
- 0000959: Bug when TUniFrame is set as Parent
- 0000957: Dynamically created UniTabSheet doesn't render contents properly
- 0000961: UniGroupBox: Alignment issue when inside another UniGroupBox:
- 0000964: TUniDBGrid: Loading dataset triggers multiple AfterScroll events
- 0000967: UniDBMemo: Can't display TWideMemoField data
- 0000935: ClientInfo is not set when mode is mfPage
- 0000936: UniDBGrid: resetting dgTitles has no effect
- 0000938: TUniGUISession.Terminated property added
- 0000939: TUniPageControl: Scroll when Tabs overflow
- New Demo: CalendarPanel Demo
Complete Changelog.
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